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| 1 minute read

EY's hero content: how to be 'one of us' not another 'one of them'

Dyslexia influences at least 1 in 10 people, apparently. Given how dramatically it can affect a child's education and hence career prospects, that is a huge number of people. 

EY's excellent piece looks at the advantages that dyslexia can convey in the modern workplace; it is very well researched and builds a compelling case for hiring and working with dyslexics as part of a modern, diverse work environment. 

Why, though, is a Big Four advisory opining about Special Educational Needs? 

Perhaps one of three reasons: 

  • This piece demonstrates that they, like "dyslexic individuals really do think differently". 
  • It also shows dyslexics (who as their survey shows are often very successful) that EY is not just another "one of them" but perhaps, surprisingly, "one of us".  
  • Lastly, this approach shows EY walking-the-walk in diversity. Organisations that deal with change, need to have many differing views and approaches in order to solve new challenges in novel and innovative ways. 

As a person who knows many dyslexics, I found my view of EY changed by this excellent piece of thought leadership in a profoundly positive way. 

I take my hat off.

Top dyslexic strengths, trending competencies, all industries:  Exceptional ► Leadership and social influence ► Creativity, originality and initiative  Very Strong ► Complex problem-solving ► Analytical thinking and innovation ► Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation ► Active learning and learning strategies ► Technology design and programming  Strong ► Critical thinking and analysis ► Emotional intelligence


content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e