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Are you suffering from Imposter Syndrome? Here is a quick method to help overcome it...

I recently watched an interesting video where psychologist Dr. Sandi Mann explains how you can tell if you have 'Imposter Syndrome'. As a sufferer of imposter syndrome myself, I was keen to learn more about it and find out how I could overcome the impact it has on me. 

70% of people suffer from imposter syndrome. In fact, so many people suffer from it that it is almost normal. Furthermore, you can only have imposter syndrome if you have been successful. Whilst it is common amongst many working professionals, imposter syndrome will often hold you back and it is therefore important to understand why you are suffering from it. 

Dr. Mann describes imposter syndrome as having three elements to it:

  1. The belief that other people have an inflated view of your own ability or skills - a far more inflated view than you hold yourself
  2. Intense fear that you will be found out and exposed as a fake
  3. You constantly contribute your success to other factors outside of your ability or talent 

Whilst most of us will suffer imposter syndrome at some point in our life, there is a method that can be helpful to overcome it. Dr. Mann suggests looking objectively at your success. 

Even write down the things that you are successful at and then look at all the reasons why you might have achieved that success. This provides a reality check as you realise that you cannot put all your own successes down to luck or external factors, actually it is you who has contributed mostly to this success

People suffering from imposter syndrome often feel that they cannot accept anything less than perfect. This translates across to writing content. Many people do not write content because they do not think that it is going to be good enough or they are constantly editing it to try and make it perfect.

It is important to remember that you do not have to be brilliant all the time. Not every post you write has to be perfect or drive new business; however you cannot let this stop you from creating content altogether. 

Do you sometimes feel you're not quite good enough? You may have impostor syndrome.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, imposter syndrome