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| 1 minute read

The power of sharing your goals

January is quite often considered to be one of the worst months of the year. The weather isn't great, the nights are long, and Christmas is over for another year. On top of all that, this year we have the ongoing global pandemic to add to the list. 

It can be really hard to find motivation in the first few months of the year. A lot of goals/resolutions are set and it can be really tough to stick to these. A common reason is because the goals set at the beginning of the year are often very overwhelming. The goals appears to too large or difficult to achieve and it becomes easy to doubt your abilities. Another reason is often because there is no accountability.

Research has shown that the chance of achieving your goal is greatly increased when you share it with others. Speaking of your goal and sharing your goal makes it very real and others can hold you accountable by asking you about the progress you have made towards reaching your goal. In light of this, when setting a goal it is a great idea to choose an accountability partner. This can be a friend, family member or indeed a work colleague. 

At Passle we are running a well-being challenge where colleagues set one goal (however big or small) to achieve by the end of February, and are paired up with a buddy to help keep them on track. The idea of this is to support colleagues in achieving something over the next few months that they know is going to help their well-being. This can be absolutely anything and is up to the individual to decide. 

Examples of goals set by Passle colleagues include: 

  • Run 10km by February 28
  • Walk 56,000 steps a week
  • Read 1 book a week
  • 5 minutes of meditation a day

If you are setting yourself a goal, however big or small, think about having an accountability partner to keep you on track. If you are working in a firm, you might want to run a well-being initiative similar to what we are running at Passle. The next few months are undoubtably going to be a test of everyone's well-being and there is a huge opportunity for colleagues to support each other.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, wellbeing, goals, motivation