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| 1 minute read

Optimising Your 'Search Mindset' through Digital Transformation

Thursday saw the second of Passle's Insiders Club events take place, with another stand out list speakers. However, I wanted to focus on the first session, hosted by my colleague Eugene McCormick, alongside the fantastic Phill McGowan, Global Marketing Director at Reed Smith. Of course, there was a huge amount of wisdom bestowed upon us, however, there are a few key points worth summarising:

Search Mindset

Phill shared that some of his recent reading had been around something called the 'Search Mindset', which is the idea that humans are now programmed to look up or 'Google' something they might not know, simply due to ease and efficiency - no one wants to search for that needle in a haystack. 

So, it is no surprise that 80% of web journeys start at 'search' and with your lawyers being your asset, how do you ensure they are appearing front and mind of your prospects and clients. People want personalisation and to know about their lawyer if they are spending £500 / hour. 

How is this achieved at Reed Smith? Timely content. Why... well, no one really knows how SEO works, but what we do know is the latest Google algorithm update called BERT. 

One of the questions they answer in this article is "How do you optimize for BERT? Answer: You can't. The only way to improve your website with this update is to write really great content for your users and fulfil the intent that they are seeking". 

Building Process at Scale?

"Align Digital Transformation Strategy with your firm’s Overall Growth Strategy" 

This might seem easier said that done but Phill shared with us some ways that he found beneficial when implementing change within Reed Smith.

  • In larger firms, ensure you have a relationship with the Business Development team, as they will be a great route to the Partners, and can help to implement your message regarding change. 
  • When you do speak with the Partners, establish what is important to them and take them on that journey with you. 
  • Demonstrate how it slots in by taking the time to lay out the strategy, this will only help to embolden people. 
  • Recognise how your clients wish to be communicated with. 

These points will help to create awareness and build understanding around the desired digital strategy and outcome.

"Align Digital Transformation Strategy with your firm’s Overall Growth Strategy." Phil McGowan, Global Marketing Director at Reed Smith

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e2e, professional services, marketing, digital transformation, digital strategy