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| 1 minute read

LMA Webinar | Activating your firm's voice through thought leadership

We are delighted to be hosting a webinar with the LMA Mid-Atlantic team next Wednesday, April 13 at 12pm ET / 5pm BST. 

Moderated by our own Eugene McCormick, we've lined up an all-star panel to offer both a strategic and operational perspective when it comes to activating your firm's voice, as well as an author who is creating content regularly.

We're delighted to be joined by:

Between them, Julia, Moya and Deborah will be sharing feedback on what they have found works, where the pain points are, and how to jumpstart the process of generating content and deploying amplification strategies – including maximizing visibility through social media and firm content channels.

Key points the panel will explore:

  • How does thought leadership fit in with your overall plan for career & firm growth?
  • Have you got a blueprint for the type and frequency of thought leadership you (or your firm) are producing?
  • What do you feel is the most important factor in executing thought leadership successfully?
  • How do you know when thought leadership is working? How do you communicate that within your firm?
  • What would be your advice to people thinking about a change in their approach to thought leadership?

Register for the session here

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e2e, marketing, professional services