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Cutting through the noise: 4 simple steps to deliver effective Content Marketing

In professional services firms, demonstrating your firm's knowledge and value to the market is critical.

Thought leadership sits at the heart of all successful professional services marketing. Nearly every growth initiative, business development target, or marketing activity centres around how well a firm can demonstrate its capability to clients and prospects.

At 2023's CMO Series Live conference in London, we broke down the 4 key components of successful thought leadership programs with experienced and successful marketers at a cross-section of the UK's most forward-thinking firms. 

  • Kelly Davison, Marketing Manager at Boodle Hatfield
  • Raj Aujla, Head of Communications at Charles Russell Speechlys
  • Naomi Butson, Corporate Communications Manager at Marks & Clerk
  • Nilam Vora, Senior Strategic Initiatives Manager at Linklaters

Together they shared insights aplenty into how they use content at their respective firms, from changing the public's perception of the brand, to winning new clients and everything in between, making for an engaging session with lots of valuable takeaways. 

Takeaways include how to engage authors to create content, and navigating the approvals process for quick and easy publication. 

You can catch the full session at the video above. 


e2e, professional services, marketing, cmoserieslive