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| 2 minutes read

CMO Series Live - The afternoon highlights (Part 2)

We’re reporting directly from CMO Series Live in New York, bringing you all the insights from the final part of the day. 

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We All Do It: Driving Sales & Revenue

Our stellar panel including Shade Vaughn, Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer at Akin Gump, Deborah Ruffins, Chief Marketing Officer at Perkins Coie, Catherine Zinn, Chief Client Officer at Baker Botts and Crossley Sanford, Managing Director, Ankura took to the stage to share key strategies for driving sales and revenue in law firms.


Key insights included:

  • Behavioral Intent Marketing: Understanding and predicting client behavior helps firms stay ahead of the competition by tailoring their marketing efforts effectively.
  • Evolving Sales Structures: Sales in law firms are becoming more integrated and client-centric, focusing on relationship-building rather than traditional sales tactics.
  • Future Trends and Technologies: Advanced CRM systems, AI-driven analytics, and personalized marketing automation are reshaping how firms engage clients and generate revenue.
  • Successful Case Studies: Innovative strategies and proactive client engagement have secured multimillion-dollar deals for top firms.
  • Importance of Alignment: Ensuring marketing, business development, and client service teams work cohesively is crucial for enhancing client experiences and maximizing opportunities.


Closing Keynote: A General Counsel Panel: What Positions Your Firm as the Best and First Choice?

Finally, CMO Series Live closed with a panel of the most important insights of the day. Our General Counsel Panel was an up close look at what matters most for clients, what works in building relationships - and what doesn't. We heard from:

Alex Dimitrief, General Counsel, Sotera Health Company

Brian Rauch, General Counsel, Harvard Maintenance

Lisa Anastos, General Counsel, LifeHikes®

Julie Aslaksen, General Counsel, Host Hotels

Successful marketing is based on a deep understanding of what clients need. So it was brilliant to hear insights on:

- What GCs need to see from your firm

- How to stand out in a crowded market

- How to deliver valuable and useful marketing that helps build strong relationships

- Practical steps to build effective marketing that delivers what GCs want

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cmosl24, events, marketing, professional services