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Thompson Coburn driving online success with their lawyers' insights and Passle

Thompson Coburn LLP is a prominent U.S. law firm with a strong presence in Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Southern Illinois, St. Louis, Birmingham, Ala., and Washington, D.C. The firm has a notable track record in product liability.

In October 2023, the firm introduced Passle to streamline its content creation process and let the firm see the impact of their insights.

The rollout of Passle was spearheaded by Trish Lilley, Chief Marketing & BD Officer, Lora Wegman, Marketing & Comms Director, and Bianca Reyes, BD Manager. 

The decision to implement Passle followed a successful proof of value period, a lightning-fast, 8-week program designed to showcase the impact of content and the ease of adoption among their lawyers.

The rollout

The introduction of Passle was well-received by Thompson Coburn’s lawyers. Trish Lilley noted, 

“This has been a super easy lift for the lawyers. One of the things they love about it is that it makes everything painless. Some of them are not the most sophisticated users of technology, and this just takes any worry out of that.” 

The tool’s simplicity and the gamification element - appealing to the lawyers' competitive nature - further contributed to its positive reception.

Passle has made it possible to track content performance, leading to an easy sell to engage lawyers in the program and drive adoption. 

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