Keith Lee shares some early conclusions from the ABA TECHSHOW, which just took place in Chicago to bring together law firms and technology. The main one being that apps are on the rise!
Among the apps being developed, Lee singles out a team working to develop a Code of Conduct for those in the 3D printing community, interactive online resources for law students, and an app making it easier for victims of revenge porn to send takedown requests.
Along with the growth in mobile devices, companies have also been shifting attention and resources to developing mobile apps around their services. Responsive websites are fine if you’re just browsing the web. But if you are a law firm paying for a technology vendor’s services, you expect the mobile experience to be clean and perfect. A responsive website isn’t good enough. As such, dedicated apps for mobile devices are where most, if not all, legal technology companies are heading.
The most visible example of this move towards mobile devices was the Legal Appathon. A collaboration of Thomson West and MIT Media Lab, the Appathon was meant to show how law students, lawyers, and technology companies can work together to provide focused, narrow legal solutions in app form.