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| 1 minute read

Keep your prospects close and your clients even closer.

It's much harder (& more expensive) to find a new customer than it is to keep your current ones. Or, that's what we were told in 2nd year lectures.

The little citation below brought just brought up that memory. We spend so much time worrying about adding to the list of prospects and finding the next big client that we inadvertently neglect those people who have already been so good to us. 

There are a lots of reasons to focus on our customers best. Building trust; referrals; cost-efficiencies etc. However, more than anything else, it means that you stop treating clients as transactional relationships and start treating them like you want to be treated yourself.

Even more importantly, if we understand our current clients, we can understand why they came to us in the first place: 

  • What was unique about our value proposition? 
  • Are there any common themes in why different clients come to us? 
  • What do the customers think we are 'good' at?
  •  How could we change our positioning to take advantage of this unique customer perception?

If you know why the 'good' client comes to you in the first place, you can then better target the next.

How can we do this then?

  • Keep them involved in what you are doing through newsletters and regular, useful and insightful content. 
  • Pop them across an email every now and again to say hello or to invite them to events that you might be going to.
  • Send business their way.

Don't neglect them just because a shiny, big deal is in the pipeline. That shiny deal will come and go, but the loyal customer who sings your praises high & low is the one who you want coming back for more.

Being anxious to increase your community fast may make you forget the care you need to have with your current community, regardless of whether they’re only 5 or 10, or 10,000. Don’t do like Movistar. Rather, focus on satisfying, growing and connecting with your current audience. You will create a more solid relationship with your community in that way, increasing their engagement. More people will probably come to you as a result of those brand ambassadors you’re creating now.

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content marketing, content strategy, marketing strategy, objectives, management