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| 1 minute read
Reposted from Legal Marketing Association

How to get your lawyers to raise their profile and engage in BD activities with Hogan Lovells Fusion

The team at Hogan Lovells have created a structured programme to ensure that any lawyer within the firm can opt into a marketing & business development mentoring programme.

The programme 'fusion' is completely centred around the bespoke needs of each lawyer and starts with a questionnaire which is reviewed by a number of the HL team (example below).

Once the goals and strategies have been discussed within the business development and marketing team these are passed back to the lawyer.

Importantly the appropriate amount of time required to nurture each lawyer is assigned using a traffic light system for long term success.

This is a great business development activation for the firm and demonstrates the importance to utilise the individual brands. It is apparent that time is short for the lawyers at HL and therefore it is important to be targeted about who your audience is when executing BD. 

A few tips to do this efficiently alongside an internal relationship tracker:

1. Identify your audience or target clients/prospects

2. Identify key persona within targets

3. Locate the individuals and influencers both online/offline through LinkedIn, physical events and existing networks

4. Target with specific and authentic content both online/offline through newsletters, LinkedIn groups, speaking engagements, related industry boards/meetups

5. Provide feedback to the lawyer where possible

How do you get lawyers to develop their practices, raise their profiles, and create good business development habits — while you build your credibility, change how lawyers view your contributions, and win a seat at the table? The answer is through Fusion. This presentation introduces Fusion, a practical and straight-forward program that helps legal marketers jump into business development coaching or expand their programs. Through a panel discussion with past Fusion participants, you’ll learn what worked and what didn’t, and gain valuable feedback from lawyers who have participated in the program.

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legal, marketing, business development, business growth, personal brand