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Hotwire PR Passle winners - showing how a competition helps drive behaviour....

Competitions are a great way to get people doing new things.  If you have used Passle you will know that we gamify the introduction of Passle to get Contributors into the habit of quickly creating and sharing expert content.  A simple team-on-team competition with points and prizes works a treat.  The prizes do not need to be expensive - it's the competition and fun that makes it work.  

Today was the announcement of the winners at Hotwire PR.  Congratulations to John Brown who won the MVP trophy and to Team Hawk who took the team trophy. Special mention goes to Sahana Jayaraman for her post Why is influencer marketing so hard? which earned the most shares on social.

Great work by all at Hotwire PR.  Look forward to helping you create and share more fabulous content.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, competition, content