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GDPR - 11 things to do

As a follow up to my GDPR post last week do check out this video put together by law firm Lewis Silkin. I love a list and this a nice summary of key things we all need to do:

  1. Map and audit your data flows
  2. Identify your 3rd party processors
  3. Identify cross border transfers
  4. Some firms will need a Data Protection Officer
  5. Don't rely on consent - (but know all about how to process data and contact if is 'proportionate processing for a legitimate business interest')
  6. Adapt your privacy notices and policies
  7. Get ready for changes to data subject access requests (no more £10 fee)
  8. Consider privacy implications at all stages
  9. Breach management - you will have just 72 hours to report any breach
  10. Training across your organisation.  This could impact every level of your hierarchy
  11. Identify your lead regulator

The data protection landscape is about to be transformed, with the coming into force of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) on 25 May 2018. The GDPR will: - expand the territorial scope of data protection laws; - increase the penalties for transgressions from a maximum of £500,000 under the old law to up to €20,000,000 or 4% of worldwide turnover, whichever is higher; - radically change the processing, recording and other compliance obligations of businesses. British businesses can’t count on Brexit to let them off the hook. The GDPR will come into force before the UK leaves the EU and the UK Information Commissioner has affirmed the importance of compliance.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, gdpr, law