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| 1 minute read

Human-to-Human: "Diversity is now a strategic imperative to achieve authentic communications between brands and consumers."

Your communications as an organisation need to represent everyone who works for you and everyone you currently/intend to work with. Marketing and our communications need to reflect this diversity, not just by showing a clearly 'modern/PC' image on the front of a business report but rather, communications need to say and represent the sentiments of everyone. 

If we don't see diverse, realistic marketing campaigns and communications, then we probably won't engage with them as it will feel inauthentic and there will be no connection.

One way to achieve this is to empower each and every person in your organisation to have a voice both internally and externally, because by bringing their views to the fore, you will engender a diverse and representative business. Not only will this diversity help you on an individual, team and organisational basis by improving the way you do business, but it will avoid 'groupthink' and ensure your business represents the world around you. 

I firmly believe that authentic communications simply means a message which establishes a human connection.  So, if you believe that "diversity is now a strategic imperative to achieve authentic communications," you are probably curious as to how you can achieve that?

Firstly, you need to establish an emotional connection with your customers and one way to do this is through Momentous Marketing - every time someone connects with your brand, you want to create a special moment, something unique. This isn't difficult - it simply entails getting your employees to communicate properly with their connections as they alone will know how best to create that spark.

Secondly, brands need to build a story around people, because (as we always state) people buy from people. If you commoditise your staff and make them look too uniform, then you will have a dull image. 

Finally, you are no longer selling a product or service, you are selling an experience. Think of how people consume your brand and the experience you want to create. If you can link the two and differentiate it in some way, you will create a long-term competitive advantage.

Authenticity is a function of "diversity" Marketing likes to talk about diversity in tactical, limited HR terms, but diversity is now a strategic imperative to achieve authentic communications between brands and consumers. "There's a responsibility to being authentic … and we must accept nothing less," said AJ Hassan, executive creative director at R/GA, whose credits include the "Run like a Girl" iconic campaign. In this renaissance, diversity becomes the trust gate through which all authentic marketing will walk through, leveraging technology to create and express genuine human moments.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, h2h, human-to-human, mccain, diversity, authenticity, communications