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| 1 minute read

How PwC are enabling Distributed Leadership with Salesforce and Introhive implementation

During today’s event at PwC, Andy Dwyer explained how and why PwC have deployed Salesforce and Introhive across the firm.

It reminded me of how firms like PwC lead by design in their ‘teams of teams’. Essentially, this is where lots of individuals, who are experts in their niche are relied upon by the firm to take a leadership role. They need the specialists to step forward and dictate what is in the best interest of the firm in their area of market. This requires a level of autonomy.

For this to work the firm needs to give them best in breed infrastructure to foster that autonomous leadership and allow them to be successful.

When it comes to sales, this means enabling the experts to:

  • Have a seamless way to collaborate
  • Understand the sales pipeline
  • Uncover new cross selling opportunities across an existing client base
  • Understand additional relationships within key accounts from across your global team
  • More sophisticated understanding of what clients are buying and when
  • Real time reporting and insight into sales forecast

By doing this you can significantly improve the efficiency of the organisation and as PwC has demonstrated, drive revenue.

As buying trends suggest and the PwC team highlighted, once these buyer insights are made available, it is crucial that the individuals within the firm take action and engage their sales opportunities through content that is leading the debate and answering their key challenges, at the right time.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, sales, marketing