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Passle Podcast Episode 4 - 5 minutes on engaging earlier in the buyers' journey

In the fourth of our five-minute Podcast series, it's my turn to have a quick chat with Sam.  We look at the buyer journey, why it's important and how firms can engage their buyers earlier in their decision-making process.

Some of the research referenced:

  • Research by Gartner CEB demonstrating that customers (B2B) are more than halfway, 57%, through the purchase process before they have first meaningful contact with a seller.
  • CSO Insights research showing that 70% of buyers are typically engaging with salespeople later along with their customer journey after their needs are already clarified because buyers find other resources more relevant and valuable than a salesperson. There are however 4 clear opportunities where buyers want to be engaged.
  • Edelman Trust Barometer Slide 39 explains who the most credible and trusted spokespeople in a business (including technical expert, someone like yourself and an employee).
  • Corporate Visions explained that 74% of buyers choose the sales rep that was first to add value.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, podcast, passlepod, goto, expert-to-expert, shift left