5/4/2022 9:58:27 PM Has your firm got a marketing platform for success? By Samuel Page Successful marketing functions in professional services firms are those that contribute at the highest levels to the success and...
8/3/2021 10:49:55 AM Why busy professionals write more content with Passle. By Tom Elgar The most valuable marketing asset that professional services firms have is their brand. Directly after that is the knowledge of their...
5/17/2021 12:00:00 AM Employer Value Proposition - content to recruit future leaders By Eugene McCormick I can still identify with most young people's frustration, terror and confusion at the prospect of hunting for a new job. It's actually...
3/29/2021 12:00:00 AM LinkedIn vs the company blog, where should your content go? By Samuel Page You've done the hard work thinking of a topic, creating an article, and getting it checked and approved. But now it's time to get it...
10/22/2020 12:00:00 AM Legal Marketers - Advice for 2021 from Sadie Baron, CMO of Reed Smith By James Barclay If you are in legal marketing or have an ambition to be a legal marketeer in 2021 the video below is a must-watch. Here at Passle, we...
6/22/2020 12:00:00 AM Has your firm got an effective thought leadership plan? By Samuel Page Once you have the right people involved in your thought leadership initiative - it's time to make a plan. At Passle, we've seen thought...
5/20/2020 12:00:00 AM How to sell Professional Services? Harvard Business Review's 1966 advice still holds true today By Tom Elgar This HBR article from 1966 is the first I have ever seen to have really analysed the psychology and processes behind the purchase of...
3/25/2020 12:00:00 AM No events to plan? Thinking about creating a B2B podcast? 3 ideas to get you going... By James Barclay Freddy Dobinson Well, the world has changed and all those events we were going to run have been canceled. Lots of our clients (lawyers, consultants, and...
3/13/2020 2:10:26 PM Your customers need your help! By Tom Elgar A fascinating article from HBR on buying processes in B2B. The idea is that the buyer, with the greatest information source the world has...
2/24/2020 12:00:00 AM One event attended + one blog post = 3 new clients... By James Barclay Everyone loves a bit of Return On Investment. Proven results, a nice list of ingredients in, and a lovely cake out! Life (and sales) is...
12/30/2019 12:00:00 AM Google BERT aims to kill off the SEO agency By Tom Elgar From the earliest days of the search engines, there has been an on-going battle between the search engines, Google in particular, and the...
12/16/2019 12:00:00 AM Core Content - How Marketing, Comms and BD can lead and support expert content By Samuel Page We encourage marketing teams to distribute the burden of creating content to the experts. After all, the people talking to clients know...
12/10/2019 12:00:00 AM How to mature your digital presence from inactive to active By James Barclay I love the video below created by Sarah Goodall Founder of Tribal Impact. Sarah talked me through her social media maturity model moving...
8/19/2019 12:00:00 AM Impostor Syndrome - Is it stopping you from having your voice? By James Barclay Every day we see - and many of us experience - impostor syndrome first hand. Often it is dressed up in other excuses (I'm too busy to...
4/18/2019 12:00:00 AM 1-2-3 Snowball! How to help your Lawyers be Successful at Business Development? By Connor Kinnear I'm in Atlanta, Georgia and it's great to be listening to the session "Driving Growth: Building Your Ability to Lead the Lawyers to Bring...
4/16/2019 12:00:00 AM How to 3x the LinkedIn engagement of your firm By Tom Elgar One of the classic objections to going ahead with Passle is maybe best characterised as "let’s not run before we can walk". The idea is...