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The Importance of Diversity in Distributed Leadership

Katie Nagy De Nagybaczon from law firm CMS spoke at Passle's second annual Rainmaker event earlier this year in London.  Below is the full video of Katie talking through the huge business benefits of increased diversity and talks through some of the change that she and her colleague have driven through "actions".  She talks of the three fold approach they have taken:

  1. Talking the talk
  2. Walking the Walk
  3. Using Personal accountability

A brilliant talk and a must watch for anyone looking to drive diversity in their organisation.

Katie Nagy De Nagybaczon, Lawyer & Partner at CMS In an industry not traditionally known for its inclusiveness, actions and not words are needed to drive change. Katie takes us through her own story and looks at how CMS have created a best in class Diversity and Inclusiveness program within the firm.

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rainmaker19, expert-to-expert, diversity leadership, diversity and inclusion, diversity strategy, rainmaker2019, distributed leadership