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| 1 minute read

Covid-19; being helpful

We are exceptionally lucky at Passle to count many of the world's leading Professional Services companies as our clients; because of this, we see close-up the public responses of these firms to the Covid-19 outbreak. 

The severe turmoil is driving an unusual need for change in how we communicate and the best practice is, quite simply, unknown at this point. However, one thing seems clear; advisors have a wealth of expertise that they should use to be helpful to their clients and the wider community. Advice from true experts will be needed in many disciplines and this will also establish firms as leaders in their fields, making good communications both a public service and good for your business too. 

Being deeply involved in Professional Services Marketing, we have decided to research and share how firms are responding, in an effort to be as helpful as possible to our clients and network; in precisely the same way that we believe Professional Services firms should communicate with their professional communities. 

We intend to interview marketing experts from across the industry on the challenges they are suddenly facing and their response; both the good and the bad.  

You can subscribe to this content here 

We will also be running daily open training sessions remotely to enable Professionals who are more used to communicating face-to-face to adjust to the changed working environment. We shall share what we've learned to-date about best practice for creating and sharing content that is helpful. 

So, if you have anything we can help you with, any questions you'd like us to look into, any advice we might be able to help with, training or getting more information on what you can do during the outbreak - do not hesitate to get in touch.

UK +44 (0)20 8004 0119 US +1 646 575 8528

Again, we want your clients and markets to be as well-informed as possible, to be able to make the best decisions and take the best actions during this time. If there is anything you’d like to hear about how to communicate, do let us know.

“Everyone of us needs to show how much we care for each other and, in the process, care for ourselves.” - Princess Diana

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, coronavirus, covid-19