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Good news stories....there are some out there I promise!

I thought I would round up some of the good news stories and acts of kindness that are going on in the world to counteract the negative stuff and also just take our minds off the all-consuming Covid-19 conversations that are dominating the landscape currently.

1/ Venice canals clearer after lockdown- full video here  - This is a brilliant video on the BBC that shows that due to the lack of tourism and people in general, the Venice waterways are healing themselves.  Sediment has settled and the water has become far clearer whilst fish have been seen to be swimming in much larger numbers

2/ Eastenders to stop filming-  here

Not all good news on this as apparently Coronation Street are still filming but the public might have to start digging into the vaults 'Ricky!'  Full article

3/ Elderly shopping hours introduced- here

Iceland and Sainsburys are the first supermarkets to introduce elderly shopping times to help the vulnerable age group get what they need.  Full article

4/ Morrisons to pay all small suppliers immediately- A brilliant move from Morrisons whereby they are keeping their supply chain up and running during these tricky times.  Full article here

5/ Gin into hand sanitiser- here 

This is a heartwarming story of a gin distillery in Bristol  who have realised that they can change their production line slightly to produce hand sanitiser for the local community.  They are asking for a donation to charity in exchange for their product.  Full video

6/ 103 year old gets Covid-19 and beats it!- here

A lady from the Wuhan province in China has reportedly taken on the virus and beaten it after 6 days in hospital.  Full story

7/ Canadian researchers make progress towards vaccine- here

researchers in Ontario have made significant strides in producing a vaccine against the Covid-19 outbreak.  Full story

8/ Tech giants team up to tackle fake news- here

During the current times, fake news is something that appears to be rife.  It can be very damaging and so Google and Facebook have joined forces to tackle fraud and misinformation.  Full story

9/ More than 200 mutual aid groups have sprung up around the UK- here

For families and individuals that are affected by the virus, groups have been set up across the UK coordinating via social media and Whatsapp to help with tasks like dog walking, picking up of prescriptions and shopping.  Full story

10/ Online choir springs up- here

Choirs can't practice or meet in the current times and so vocal leader James Sills has launched the Sofa singers encouraging people all over the globe to connect and of course, sing together online.  Full story

The rabbits in the picture aren't a good news story as such but more of a panic buy. Whilst other families were out at the weekend buying loo roll and pasta, I got completely duped into driving to a lady called Sally's house off the north circular.  'Pull in here' exclaimed my wife with giggles from the back seat coming from my two girls.  'Come in' Sally exclaimed, they are ready for collection!  I then had to drive and drop myself off at the local Pets at home to buy the hutch!

At least with the latest school announcement, it will give the children something to focus on for a bit....although I already seem to be designated rabbit poo cleaner!

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, good news story, coronavirus, covid-19