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| 1 minute read

What are you doing with your 'commute time'?

The hurried onset of working from home being advised wherever possible has left many workers with a glut of time in the day that they'd usually be using for travelling. It makes sense to consider what this time could be used for whilst the commute is likely a few metres walk from kitchen to laptop now. I had a chat with my colleague Charles Cousins, ex-olympic athlete, who knows a thing or two about routine and self discipline. Here are some thoughts on how you could use your new time.

1. Expertise. 

Share your expertise by writing blogs/Passle posts. People are unsure of things and will be looking to people for constructive advice and thoughts, whatever they are. 

2. Exercise. 

Wake the body up and help yourself to establish routine and feel that positive mental attitude. This is a difficult time and we have to help ourselves as much as possible. A positive mental state increases resilience in difficult times.

3. Wellbeing. 

Spend time with your family over breakfast where you might not ordinarily have done. FaceTime a relative or a friend to check in with them. 

4. Rest. 

Get that little bit more sleep, but remember that too much sleep isn't healthy and routine is key here in these changing times. 

Above all, keep communicating with your family, friends and colleagues whilst we are living in this constantly changing time. 

Business leaders must understand that wellbeing in the workplace isn’t a tick-box, top-down HR programme; it is a business imperative. From the C-Suite to the IT Ops teams, helping employees to develop their own wellbeing is not just good for them, it’s good for business too.

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content marketing, talent, people