The 8th October 2020 is World Octopus day and it is a day of awareness rather than celebration. This is sadly due to the fact that Octopuses are joining a long list of creatures that are now at risk of overfishing by us humans.
At Passle, you may have noticed our bright orange logo because it is indeed our very own Octopus called Clive and we love him- so do our clients it seems. We chose the mighty Octopus for a number of reasons that my colleague Gaya outlines very neatly in her article here. I love the creatures so much I have even switched to Octopus energy.
In light of today, I thought I would pull together some cool facts that highlight what amazing animals they are.
- Octopuses have 3 hearts with blue blood running through them
- They have been around for over 300 million years predating dinosaurs
- They can reach sizes bigger than a London bus
- They can walk on land!
- They are seriously clever- they can open jars from the inside and the outside as one example.
- It is Octopuses not Octopi
- There are over 300 species of Octopuses known to man
- They build and live in Octopus cities