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Professional Services Growth Live - Episode 4 - Data & Analytics with Sarah Strachan

On this episode of Professional Services Growth Live, our live Q&A is joined by Sarah Strachan, an expert in data and analytics for Professional Services Marketing. 

We discuss how successful firms use analytics, their place of analytics within a marketing team and where the opportunities are for savvy marketers to make more of the data available to them. 

You'll learn: 

What role does analytics play in an effective marketing setup? 
- What are the best examples of marketers using analytics to demonstrate value? 
- Should data and analytics be a separate role within a marketing team? 
- How far should you go in the pursuit of accuracy in analytics? 
- Where are the opportunities for firms to benefit more from the data available? 

See more episodes here

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, data, analytics, ps growth live, databestof