Thousands of brilliant experts in professional service firms are using Passle to create regular content. Content is not only a brilliant way of showcasing knowledge to clients and potential clients but also allows the voices of individuals to shine through. It is key for firms to choose a diverse cross-section of authors to create content as it leads to a broader range of knowledge being shared. It also importantly prevents age, ethnicity, gender, etc, from being a barrier to content creation.
In light of International Women's Day yesterday we wanted to look at the proportion of men and women who access Passle content across our platform. We looked at all the website traffic coming to Passle pages (across all clients) from 2017-2021 and as well as the proportion of male vs female authors currently using Passle in 2020 vs 2021. The results are below.
Gender Proportion

It is clear from the 2017-2021 data that a larger proportion of men access Passle content compared to women. However, the proportion of women accessing Passle content is increasing year on year.
The below chart shows the proportion of male and female Passle authors (users creating content) in 2020 vs 2021.

There is clearly a correlation between the proportion of women creating content (Passle Authors) and women reading and engaging with that content (All Passle Traffic). This suggests that not only do our clients now have a larger representation of women at their firms creating Passle insights but also that more women are looking to buy our clients' services by reading their content.
Gender Imbalance

Consequently, the gender imbalance in traffic to Passle pages is lessening each year. The current 2021 gender imbalance sits at 8% which, compared to the 31% difference between male and female traffic in 2017, shows that our clients are moving in the right direction, giving both men and women equal opportunity to voice their knowledge. It also demonstrates that more female readers are engaging with our clients' content, reflective of increased female representation in the firms of our clients' clients. Now we need to continue to close that gap.
What can you do to ensure your firm has a cross-section of individuals creating content?
It is really important to drive change through actions. You cannot expect change to happen just because it needs to. If you are running, or are involved in, a content program, look at the proportion of women creating content vs men. If there is a large gender imbalance then actively strive to include more women on the platform and remove any barriers to creating content. Give individuals the confidence to voice their expertise.
Of course, this does not only apply to gender. A cross-section of knowledge also includes content from people of different ages, seniority, ethnicity and many more uniquenesses. Content is a fantastic opportunity to give everyone a voice and showcase the diversity of your firm.