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CMO Series Special: LMA '22 - What to expect

In this bonus edition of the CMO Series, Eugene McCormick chats to Brenda Plowman, Chief Marketing Officer at Fasken and President of the Legal Marketing Association, ahead of the LMA Annual Conference 2022.

Brenda shares what you can expect from this year’s conference - the world’s largest education event for legal marketing and business development professionals - which takes place from 21- 23 March in Las Vegas.

This year’s conference ‘Stretch Beyond, Together’ will offer fresh insights under four key themes, along with a stellar line up of keynote speakers and an action-packed agenda.

The event promises to deliver innovative new ideas and the opportunity to connect, learn and grow together with the leading voices in legal marketing, helping take the entire industry forward. 

There’s still time to get involved in LMA ‘22, take a look at the program and find out more, here.

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e2e, marketing, professional services