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| 1 minute read

Insiders Club Webinar: Transform the way your attorneys position themselves online in just 5 weeks

Wednesday 15 June : 4PM UK | (11AM EST)

In this webinar brought to you by our brilliant Client Success team, they will be taking you behind the scenes of the Passle Proof of Value process, a proven program that has driven transformation for firms including Reed Smith, Ropes & Gray, Freshfields and Clyde & Co. 

The good news is that in as little as 5 weeks, you can make a transformation like this happen at your firm. 

The team will walk you through:

  • How to engage lawyers to create content regularly, even those you never thought would
  • How to show the business impact of thought leadership, in a way that’s relevant to lawyers and management
  • How to set processes and best practices that provide real results

Thought leadership is a key way law firms reach new clients, providing a platform for them to demonstrate that expertise that sets them apart from the competition, but busy lawyers often don’t create enough content.

Encouraging a change in behaviour can seem daunting, but with increasingly more interactions between firms and clients/prospects being made online, it's an important change to make. 

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marketing, professional services, insidersclub, masterclass