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| 2 minute read

Imagery Made Easier with the Passle Image Suggestion Service

Choosing the perfect image for a post can sometimes be tricky. With so many images out there, sometimes it's hard to select the image that truly articulates what you are trying to say through your content.

So, as part of our latest sprint, 2.4.7 - Poncha (named after the delicious traditional drink of Madeira), we will be introducing a brand-new Image Suggestion Service along with a number of quality-of-life improvements to the Passle Media Picker. Following the introduction of Getty Images - which provides users with over one hundred million beautiful images for users to choose from - and Advanced Image Cropping in the 2.4.1 - Little Ox update, the process of selecting high-quality, impactful imagery for your content has never been easier.

Image Suggestion Service

When creating a post on a commentary basis, Passle will suggest relevant images from the image library to the author without the need to search for an image. The Image Suggestion Service uses a combination of keyword search from the article being commented on, reverse image search, and AI to extract keywords from the image in the article. 

The Image Suggestion Service also uses an algorithm to build a confidence score that influences future suggestions to be as accurate as possible, and employs a ranking technique to ensure that the top suggestions are distinct from each other. 

*Please note - The Image Suggestion Service will only be available when using the Passle Button to create posts on a commentary basis.

Other Updates

In addition to the introduction of the Image Suggestion Service, we are also implementing a number of quality-of-life improvements to the Media Picker to make the viewing and searching process even more seamless for our users:

  • New 'Masonry' Layout - The layout of the image gallery in the Media Picker will be updated to optimally display images, no matter the size or dimensions of an image.

New Masonry Layout in Media Picker

  • Search Tips - When searching for images in the Media Picker, a new tool tip will be available that will provide multiple tips to help users to narrow down results to only the most relevant, high-quality images.
  • Improved Media Upload Process - When uploading media to a post (e.g. a video or audio file), the progress of the upload will be more prominently displayed. This will give the user more confidence to continue working on their post whilst their media is processing in the background.

If you would like to learn more about these updates, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to our Client Success team by email at

Choosing the perfect image for a post can sometimes be tricky. With so many images out there, sometimes it's hard to select the image that truly articulates what you are trying to say through your content.

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