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| 2 minute read

4 Tips for Content you Should Leverage Now (December 2022)

There's always a lot to get checked off as the calendar year draws to an end. Rather than wait until the New Year to publish your next piece of thought leadership, there are a few useful hacks that can keep you front of mind with your clients and key stakeholders - with minimum effort!

1. Review Your 2022 Content Output

The first place to start is by going back and having a look at what you have already published this year. This can be an incredibly helpful exercise to review what this year has thrown your (industry's) way. Have a look at your most successful pieces of content. Is there an obvious reason why certain posts outperformed others? Knowing the answer to this will help you to refine your strategy for next year, making sure you can build on this year's success. 

2. Reshare/Update Your Existing Posts  

When you're reviewing your content, are there topics that will resonate with your contacts today? 

  • You can reshare your most successful posts 
  • You might have been too early to market with one of your underperforming posts - have a think if this message will resonate with your clients today 
  • Are there certain topics that have developed since your original publication? Think about updating your post with additional analysis about what's happened since you brought this insight to market (this works especially well with posts relating to regulatory updates - what's been the impact of the regulation since it's been introduced to the market?)

3. Reflect On The Year Gone By

This is an easy and obvious one - saying that, it can be particularly helpful for your clients and referrers. Write about this year's biggest events in your profession/industry. The reason this is so easy is that it's documenting what has already happened. It is a useful touchpoint to wrap this all up for your clients. They can then see at a macro level all of the significant updates that may have impacted their business already - and serve as a reminder of how these trends are going to impact their businesses in the future. 

4. The Outlook On The Year Ahead... And Beyond

Again, this is an obvious one to signpost what you know is coming. The value of doing it now is that you're going to beat your competitors to market. Whilst the holiday season can be busy for many, it can also provide an opportunity for some to get their heads up and look ahead. Providing valuable information/insight will help your stakeholders and decision-makers plan their year ahead. This a thoughtful way to remind your clients that you are their go-to trusted advisor on these matters. 

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e2e, marketing, professional services, content planning, content strategy