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#FollowFriday Conference - empowering women to be better leaders, mentors, colleagues and friends

With International Women's Day right around the corner I wanted to highlight the fantastic initiative that a friend and partner of Passle has put together. Robyn Addis is the founder and CEO of the #FollowFriday International Women's day conference, a movement that started back in November 2020 and gathered such traction that it has blossomed into the conference that is being held on March 8th in Pennsylvania.

It is set to be a fantastic day with twenty female speakers from across the country and from different sectors, converging in one spot to highlight confident communication. It will also bring together Talent, Training and Networking under the umbrella of the #FollowFriday movement. 

It will be an inspiring event which is definitely worth attending if you can. Register Here

The goal is to empower women to be better leaders, mentors, colleagues, and friends.

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