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CMO Series Special: Inspiring and empowering women to be better leaders, mentors, colleagues, and friends - Robyn Addis Founder of #FollowFriday

In 2020 the amazing Robyn Addis showcased her entrepreneurial spirit, her defiance of the misery of the pandemic and her keen eye for talent on LinkedIn by kicking off the #FollowFriday movement. 

She had no idea what it would become. Her first step was to feature on LinkedIn her friend and family photographer, using the hashtag #FollowFriday, and that simple tribute quickly snowballed into an incredible following. Robyn's unwavering dedication to spotlighting remarkable women saw her continue the tradition of featuring phenomenal individuals every Friday until now - and into the future.

Never content with the status quo Robyn wanted to take her #FollowFriday journey to the next level. So she conceived an ambitious plan to unite these incredible people and more in real life - in person. 

The result is nothing short of remarkable. The #FollowFriday conference, taking place this International Women's Day (8 March), promises to be an event unlike any other. It is a testament to Robyn's hard work and vision that she has succeeded in gathering a community of over 160 attendees - all eager to collaborate, share their experiences, and elevate each other's careers and lives.

On this episode of the CMO Series, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to sit down with Robyn to learn about the origins of #FollowFriday, what attendees can expect from the conference, and how others can get involved. The excitement and energy surrounding this event are palpable, and I can't wait to see the magic that Robyn and her team have in store.

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e2e, professional services, marketing, cmoseries