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How can lawyers be great at sales?

Many lawyers baulk at the word sales. Most law firms do not even use the word sales - but of course, that is exactly what 'business development' is.

The fact is that the most successful lawyers are usually great at sales. In my experience, the reason many lawyers are in fact good at sales (although they do not label it such) is that they are by default curious and helpful. These two skills are essential to great sales.  Check out the video below that Author, BD Coach and Founder of Bunnell Idea Group, Mo Bunnell recorded with Linda Klein, Senior Managing Shareholder at Baker Donelson and Past President American Bar Association

The simple advice from Linda is this - when it comes to Business Development Passion is everything. Act with respect and kindness. Be curious. Be authentically you.

For other great Mo Bunnell videos click here

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. Treat people right". Maya Angelou Spot on. Love it!


e2e, professional services, marketing