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Keep On Amplifying: Recap of LMA Annual Conference 2023

The LMA Mid-Atlantic region had a casual catch up today to recap on the brilliant conference nearly a month ago. Chris Fritsch led the panel of Tahisha Fugate of Axinn, Veltrop & Harkrider, Bobbie Conklin of Steptoe & Johnson PLLC and Jason Levin of Ready, Set, Launch.
There was also a brief cameo from Roy Sexton, current President of the Legal Marketing Association.

The panel and Roy kicked off by all agreeing that the Legal Marketing Association's Annual Conference in Hollywood, Florida was a HUGE success. Attendees included many first-time conference goers, and the panel all concurred with Tahisha when she described the conference as an inclusive experience with something for everyone.

The conference focused on so many topics under the umbrella of Legal Marketing. Sessions were interactive, engaging, and provided practical advice on how to implement marketing and business development strategies.

The highlight of the conference might have been Roy on stage during the opening remarks. His energy and the atmosphere he created was something that continued throughout the entire conference. Jason was keen to point out that there is something special about LMA, the amount of support everyone has for each other and the encouragement for the new attendees to get stuck in.

The panel had a few final additions to the casual recap. 
Bobbie said that one of her favorite sessions was the General Council Panel - many valuable insights into how the GC view Marketing and BD. It was also Bobbie who said "being at the conference showed that we are vital to the success of our firms". It may not always feel that way but it is incredibly important to remember.
Jason's takeaway from the entire conference was that everyone has a connection to everyone there. Its one big community of people in the same situations. 

As we look forward to next year's conference in San Diego, we hope to see even more new attendees and continue to provide an inclusive experience with something for everyone. The LMA Annual Conference is a great way to learn from industry experts, build new relationships, and have fun while doing it. We can't wait to see you there!

A panel of LMA Annual Conference attendees as they recap their experience in Hollywood, Florida. A casual conversation, designed to give attendees a flavor of what the annual conference was like while also breaking down educational, networking and social aspects.


lma23, e2e, professional services, marketing, events