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Join us at LMA Europe's Winter Social in London

As longstanding supporters of the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) in the USA, we were very excited to see them expand into Europe in early 2022. 

For those who may not yet know them, the LMA is a volunteer-led association committed to creating a global community for legal marketing and business development professionals.

Members gain access to resources to help them with their careers, mentorship, and training opportunities, plus a heap of networking at a plethora of events throughout the year. 

The LMA Europe region provides a space for marketing professionals to come together to tackle the collective challenges they face. 

To celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the LMA Europe region being established, they're hosting a Winter Social event in London, and Passle is proud to be the sole sponsor. 

📆 Wednesday, 13th March

⏰ 6.00 - 9.00pm

📍Hogan Lovells, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG

Join us there, we look forward to seeing lots of friendly faces!

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e2e, marketing, professional services