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PRODUCT UPDATE: What's new from Passle?

Our latest sprint is named after the cocktail ‘White Russian’. In this sprint, we have focused on providing access to managing the approval process settings for our Passle administrators.

If you want to learn more about the updates or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Passle Client Success Team.

Here is a quick overview of our new features and enhancements

Approval process management

Administrators can now manage the content approval process settings for individual Passles. 

This includes settings for the main single-step (or optional two-step) process and the live approvals process (if enabled for your company). Administrators will now be able to view, add or delete nominated and back-up approvers, and adjust any back-up approver notification settings.

The new Manage approval process page can be reached from a tab under Company on the left-hand nav bar. Administrators will still be able to manage the company editorial/policy guidelines link from this section.

New manage approvals dashboard

Administrators will now be able to manage their approver settings for each Passle approval process from the Approval settings page:

Two-step approvals
The default setting is for a single-step approval process. This process is used by the majority of our clients. However, some companies may require a two-step approval process, which can also be set from the new Approval settings page.

To support the request from some of our clients, we have now introduced a new alternative second-step option.

  1. Default option The default option automatically sends the approval request to all nominated approvers listed in the settings. (This is the current behaviour.)
  2. Alternative option (new) The user can select a single approver from the list of nominated approvers set (the same functionality as in step-one approvals).

Adding a Client Connect sign up at the bottom of posts

To increase subscribers to your Client Connect newsletter, we have introduced an optional custom sign-up link that can appear at the end of your posts. Features include:

  • Customisable intro text (up to 150 characters)
  • Customisable sign-up link text (up to 50 characters)
  • Option to set link visibility is either client-wide or at the individual Passle level.

Simplified login interface and SSO workflow

We have implemented a new login process where a user first enters their email address, allowing us to identify if they have Single Sign-On (SSO) enabled.

  • If a user has SSO enabled, they will be redirected to their SSO provider automatically for a smoother login experience.
  • For users with both SSO and password login enabled, there will be an option to log in with a password or continue with SSO.
  • Users without SSO can simply log in with their password.

This improvement is designed to reduce frustration for our SSO users while still ensuring a seamless experience for our standard login users.

Other key changes in this update, including enhancements or minor tweaks to our existing features

'My posts only' toggle to Team activity on dashboard homepage

Based on feedback from our clients and internal teams, we have added a "My Posts Only" toggle to the Team Activity section on your Passle homepage. This feature allows users to quickly view their own posts and provides shortcuts to edit and view post statistics.

New 'Manage' button for Passle settings

As we continue expanding the Admin area to allow greater control over your Passle settings, we have introduced a new drop-down menu under Manage Passles.

This menu includes all the previous settings along with new options, such as Approval Settings.

Additional improvements to Mondaq data on Passle

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance Mondaq statistics, we have improved the quality of the data provided to you. We now prioritise master companies at the top of the list, ensuring that the most important companies appear higher in your views. 

Additional approvals enhancements

In this release, we have also included some enhancements to our approvals process, including the following:

  • We have moved 'Approval feedback' notifications to 'To do' list on the dashboard, Toolbar and Gateway.
  • A new 'Approve & schedule' button option has been introduced in the process for approvers.
  • Updates to the scheduled process: a post will need to be approved before being scheduled.

Security enhancements and vulnerability fixes

In this release, we have resolved issues identified during a recent security audit and penetration testing. These updates enhance our platform's robustness by fixing vulnerabilities and mitigating risks. This ongoing process ensures our service remains safe and reliable for all clients.


If you would like to know more, read our Release Notes: 24 July 2024 - 3.1.3 (White Russian) which includes a complete list of all new features, enhancements and bug fixes for this release.

Additionally, your feedback plays a vital role in shaping our future updates and ensuring Passle continues to meet your evolving requirements. Feel free to reach out to the Product Team with any ideas or suggestions for new features or improvements.

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