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| 1 minute read

AI & Thought Leadership: The Future of Legal Marketing

AI is no longer just a buzzword in the legal sector - it is here, and already having a tangible impact on the industry!

Research from the latest Thomson Reuters report states that 77% of legal professionals expect AI to have a “high”, or in some cases a “transformational” effect on their work, within the next five years (a 10% jump from last year).

  • 72% of legal professionals surveyed in the report view AI as a force for good in their profession. 

Given the vast shift in legal professionals' attitudes towards AI in the industry, pioneering firms are beginning to adopt new technologies and practices. However, these are not just about driving efficiency and improving client service. 

From generating insights to streamlining content creation, AI can assist lawyers in producing, distributing and amplifying their thought leadership more effectively. Whether it's drafting articles, summarising complex legal updates in layman's terms, or optimising content for the target audience, AI is making it a lot easier for firms and their lawyers to showcase their expertise at scale. 

Early adopters of these tools have been able to strengthen their industry presence, attract key clients, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive market landscape.

So, the big question is no longer IF AI will change the legal profession, but instead how fast firms, and the industry as a whole will adapt.

Half of law firm respondents cite exploring and implementing AI as their highest priority. In addition, they believe AI could help address other priorities, such as increased customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

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