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Micro-content should be a continued area of focus

A fantastic interview with Brian Honigman on content marketing, in which he predicts that micro-content will keep gaining importance in the 6 to 12 months to come. Great news for users of Passle then....

Micro content is any type of content that is a small moment, like a tweet, a Google+ post, a Pinterest pin, a Snapchat, or another piece of content that's snackable and light for a consumer to process. Since consumers, especially on mobile devices, continue to prefer to consume content in this capacity, it's up to businesses to produce content in this format. Experiment with creating micro content, because it's how people will continue to consume content in the future and can also help to build a larger story on behalf of your business as each micro moment adds ongoing value over time.

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content curation, content marketing, content creation, marketing