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| 2 minute read

Feel like a fraud writing content? A little courage and lots of feedback will help...

I was amazed this week to hear from two of my clients that they were struck by a real fear when asked to publish their insights online. I was amazed because these are two of the cleverest people I have ever met. Both are brilliant at their jobs and highly successful in their extremely competitive fields.

We all have a bit of a worry about exposing ourselves when we write content but this was a real fear - and one that was preventing them from doing something they really wanted to do and something that would be good for their careers.

This made me think about 'imposter syndrome'

Imposter syndrome is very simply the feeling that you're a fraud. That despite all the evidence to the contrary you are out of your depth and bluffing it. As the article referred to below says you are in great company - many of the most successful people in history felt just like you do.

Passle technology enables experts to showcase their expertise online. The tech works but what needs to come with it is the support that enables your experts to get through their imposter syndrome.

Here at Passle when I write my posts I ask our Head of Marketing Sam Page to check out what I've written before it goes live on our website (I will ask Sam to check this one). This really helps me as I know that Sam is an expert in communications. Importantly I know Sam will give me helpful feedback. 

This provides me with the confidence necessary to go ahead and create what I hope is useful content.

So my advice is to get someone you trust to check what you have written before publishing and ask for feedback.

The other thing that really helps me get over Imposter Syndrome takes a little courage. I have to share my posts on my social networks and on a one-to-one basis (via ISTATOY). That way I get feedback from my clients. This is the most important motivator for me. It is also the hardest to do but I have got into the habit now. So advice from me is - share, share, share (even if you are a little worried).

Finally - for a little reassurance - have a read about the 'Dunning-Kruger effect' which essentially states that the truly incompetent rate their competence far higher than it actually is and vice versa. Or put more simply dumb folk often overestimate what they know and have no fear in sharing it and vice versa!

So if, when creating content, you are worried about exposing yourself as a fraud please bear in mind that this exact feeling might well be the thing that identifies you as someone who has something worth saying. So go for it! Otherwise, it will just be dumb folk sharing their ideas and none of us need more of that :)

Some of the most successful people in history have suffered from a secret fear that they’re terrible at their jobs. “I am not a writer. I’ve been fooling myself and other people,” John Steinbeck wrote in his diary in 1938. Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has said, "There are still days when I wake up feeling like a fraud." “I always feel like something of an impostor. I don’t know what I’m doing,” echoed actress Jodie Foster, speaking at a 2007 Women in Entertainment Power 100 event where she was the guest of honor. But is this anxiety-inducing insecurity actually an asset? It’s estimated that 70% of people have imposter syndrome—the feeling that they don’t deserve to be where they are in life.

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content creation, writing, blogging, imposter syndrome, best practice, legal, people