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| 1 minute read

Content Finding and Planning: a Few Tools

When you’re creating content as part of a wider team, it’s important to have a system that works for finding and sharing content. Here are a few ideas to do just that:

Content Finding

You've probably heard about Slack already, which is essentially a chat-room style software that works particularly well for businesses (it's quicker and less clunky than email for fast-paced discussions). 

Slack’s many channels makes it a great place to drop links to articles you think are comment worthy. Everyone on your team can see the content dropped there and discuss the best way to approach it. It’s a great way to brainstorm an angle and also make sure no one is writing about exactly the same thing.

You can connect Slack with apps like Pocket  to make it very easy to upload content to Slack channels when you’re browsing the web. My colleague Adam Elgar has written about how one of our clients uses Pocket here.

Content Planning

There are all sorts of planners out there with different price plans to make it easy to create content workflows. Check out for instance Divvy, Kapost, or Trello. The idea is that you can keep track of a piece of content throughout its different stages – this makes particular sense for longer form blogs. You can also use these tools to keep track of the ways in which you might extend the shelf life of a particular blog – for instance transforming it into a video, infographic or podcast….

If you’re not feeling ready for fancy software, then you could also simply use Google Docs and create a shared spreadsheet for content planning. This could be as simple as reminding your colleagues about certain topics that need to be written about. 

The key thing here is finding a method that is sustainable for your team and takes into account their technical abilities. The simpler, the better.

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content marketing, content, content creation, content strategy, content curating, pocket, slack, divvy, kapost, trello, google docs