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| 1 minute read

How Should A Story Be Delivered in B2B Sales?

Storytelling has become a key aspect to any B2B sales process. Tim Vaughan of Poppulo has summarised some excellent points to consider when telling a story.

But who should be telling this? We are all familiar with checking online reviews when ordering a new BBQ or camera from an online retailer and we typically connect with the authenticity of the average user who has reviewed the product (sometimes consistent 5 star ratings do raise an eyebrow!). 

Another key aspect to Storytelling is using the correct persona from within your firm to communicate the message by leveraging the domain expertise. 

Ryan Erskine has dedicated an entire article to the stats around this (here) however here are two very compelling examples:

  • Ninety-two percent of people trust recommendations from individuals (even if they don’t know them) over brands.
  • Consistency is key. It takes five to seven impressions for someone to remember a brand.
  • Fifty-three percent of decision makers have eliminated a vendor from consideration based on information they did or did not find about an employee online.

Naturally one person cannot be in multiple places to tell a story. However, it certainly needs to start with the authentic voice. Our founders have a nice example of this here

most people can learn to tell stories better, provided they are willing to put thought and effort into it. Effort into learning some uncomplicated techniques. And before that, lots of thought into: who your audience is what you want to tell them what you want to achieve through telling your story what is the most appropriate medium or channel to try to amplify your message Once you’ve figured out the answers to those four questions the path to getting your story heard, listened to, and hopefully remembered, is easier.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, sales, storytelling