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| 1 minute read

Does your content marketing assist with talent acquisition and retention?

The article below showcases 12 fantastic writing tips when building a strong online presence. 

Whilst content typically focuses on the bottom line directly through lead generation, it is important to consider how your content will attract the best talent to your firm. 

According to LinkedIn’s Global Recruiting Trends 2016 46% of the obstacle to attracting the top talent is finding candidates in high demand talent pools whilst 59% of companies are investing more in their employer brand compared to last year. Clearly an inbound content model can be applied to fix this. 

I was speaking with a senior recruiter at one of the top UK software businesses who found the hiring of sales and marketing staff a challenge. Using the analogy of attending a club, if you can see that everyone is having a great time inside (particularly those who you are similar too or plan to hang out with) you will pay the cover charge to attend. If, however, only the bouncer at the entrance assures you that everyone is having a great time at the party but you can't see proof of this for yourself then you are probably less likely to enter. 

Similarly, when top talent weigh up their new place of work, your internal team needs to be your biggest cheerleaders through enjoyment on their areas of expertise, quality of output, and career progression. The most effective way to do this is with a digital presence through their personal networks. 

If creating authentic content is only thought to increase the bottom line then think again. It appears best in class, such as Vodafone and Accenture, are beginning to leverage their internal employees voices to really show why they are the 'go-to' firm to work for. 

2. Relevant, Easy-To-Digest Content That Builds Trust Write short, 500-word "how-to" pieces or listicle-type articles that focus on drawing in less familiar, top-of-funnel visitors who are just getting to know you and begin establishing a rapport. Most readers are in "scan" mode when reviewing blogs and don't always know your product or brand deeply. This format draws them in with relevant, easy-to-digest content that builds trust. - Ashley Deibert, iQ Media

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content marketing, b2b marketing, employee advocacy, recruitment, vodafone, accenture, employer branding