I probably speak to about 3 organisations every week who are thinking about or are in the process of installing a new website. Granted, this can be quite a big piece of work. However, there is a perception that once this is complete, the job is done. I would argue that it is only just beginning.
Using the Hero-Hub-Hygiene framework we see that the website (which forms a part of the Hygiene content, the base of the pyramid) is the foundation of a successful digital content strategy as it gives your digital strategy a home. However, it is the utility of this beautiful website to future users which is the real litmus test.

I've written before about what is expected by Google & other search engines: In short they are looking for relevant content which answers a specific question: "while the goals of SEO are commonly defined as improving rankings and increasing organic traffic, those goals are impossible to achieve if SEO is a primarily technical strategy. Instead, a modern SEO framework prioritizes engagement SEO to help brands build a library of content that’s the most helpful, engaging, and popular."
The troublesome bit is to drag people from LinkedIn, Facebook, Google etc. on to your beautiful website where they can actually explore what's going on / what services you provide.
Another way of doing this is through paid advertising, which has limited utility and can be awfully pricey long-term. The next way is by sharing relevant content about your niche in places where people can easily access it (social networks, in a newsletter or even send it 1-to-1). This beautiful, user-friendly website will then have meaning - it is the home of your little niche, your bit of expertise.
The thought came as from a marketing perspective it often seems that 'the job is done' once their new website launches - but the challenge is actually getting people to regularly engage with the website (and by extension, the brand) over the long-term.
Once you crack that nut, you will begin to see some real ROI in the website.