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| 1 minute read

The place for human stories in B2B marketing

In business-to-consumer product marketing, there has been a concerted move toward brand backstories (usually involving a founder and whole grains). These are helpful in attaching a set of human "values" to an otherwise inanimate object. The approach represents a concerted attempt to bring a human connection between the consumer and the object. 

What is somewhat surprising is that so many business-to-business brands do not have a similarly human story. Especially when so many services rely on the expertise of people to deliver their core offering. 

Indeed, given, there is statistical proof that simply connecting a service company with the name of it's founders increases its success rate, not involving the key people in Marketing is to leave a lot of money on the table. 

Typically, the key employees (particularly those that are client-facing) are comprised of eloquent, persuasive and knowledgeable people. They speak continually with clients and hence hear first-hand the issues that are important to customers. However, they are normally not involved in, let alone central to the content created by the Marketing department (a function that often talks more with suppliers than clients). Bringing them into the marketing content to demonstrate that your organisation has knowledgeable humans at it's core helps build a human connection and fosters growth.

Conveniently to my point, we have our back-story here as a slideshare or here in video (2:30) 

A trending strategy that brands need to take advantage of now is the use of content by teams outside the marketing department to accomplish more goals. When you break down and take a closer look at what's at the core of a successful content campaign, it's the experiences, stories, and expertise of the company's key employees — and that's not limited to only marketing. Those ideas are the heart of your company, and they should be used across departments to communicate and influence the different audiences you want to develop relationships with.


content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e