I am currently sitting in the conference hall at an event called ‘Account-Based Everything’. On stage just a moment ago was Andrea Clatworthy (Head of Account Based Marketing @ Fujitsu) talking about ‘How to become an Account-Based Marketer (ABMer)’
Andrea’s talk was excellent. The second half on it focused on the anatomy of a ‘perfect ABMer’. In other words, which characteristics does an ideal ABMer have?
The key takeaways that really resonated with me were:
- Be quick to respond to a request from your key stakeholders, whether they’re internal and external. Timeliness is essential.
- Always put yourselves into the shoes of your stakeholder. Doing this will ensure relevance and therefore genuine value.
- Be diligent and hard working with your ABM efforts. It’s a hands on game and it will work best if you own. Do it for yourself and not just because your colleagues said you should.
- Leverage your brainpower and make sure you’re paying attention to even the smallest details. ABM is very nuanced and never confuse your messaging between your different accounts.
- Above all, be enthusiastic with it. As Andrea said: “The difference between a good ABMer and a great ABMer is enthusiasm”.