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| 1 minute read

Create a Winning Expert-to-Expert Marketing Strategy - Start with a Shared Purpose

This is part 2 of my thoughts on planning for Expert-to-Expert (E2E) Marketing, read more here about why you should incorporate E2E into your marketing plan.

When teams across different functions collaborate there is always a level of inefficiency and conflict. Teams need a common goal and common responsibilities to function together effectively.

To start your E2E marketing plan, you need to translate your organisation’s overarching goal into common objectives for the combined marketing, sales and business development team. The overarching goal might be a revenue target, profitability target, a market share measurement or something else entirely.

As with any goals, E2E marketing goals should be specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and timely (SMART). Unlike many marketing metrics, E2E goals should be relevant to the multifunctional team involved in the execution of your E2E strategy. Rather than engagement metrics, social signals or traffic numbers, E2E goals are about building influence with decision making experts and leveraging that influence to contribute to the overarching organisational goal.

Having a clear, well-articulated goal with measurable metrics and time frames brings disconnected teams together and creates accountability. Linking your goal to the overarching goal ensures you are not working at a cross purpose to the rest of the organisation.

Some examples of E2E marketing goals for multifunctional teams are below. 

Traditional Marketing Goal

E2E Marketing Goal

Increase inbound lead generation by 25%

Connect in-person with 'x' number of Expert influencers in named target accounts

Increase volume of mentions among target demographic by 80%

Deliver specific expert content weekly to each key prospect account

Grow social community by 60%

Reduce time from opportunity identification to invoicing by 25%

E2E goals are different to traditional marketing goals in that they focus on building valuable relationships with key people in prospect organisations.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, marketing strategy, marketing planning, expert-to-expert, marketing campaign