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| 1 minute read

Write for your audience

Think about your audience when you are writing! This may seem obvious, but actually when you are writing content online it can be easy to get distracted by the 1,000's of people that may or may not read your insight when published. 

There are 2 benefits to being deliberate and targeted with your content: 

1. It makes your job as an expert in creating content easier. 

If you focus on the few people you are writing for, it is much easier to address their challenges and talk about what is important to them. 

2. It has a greater impact when delivered to market.

Because the content is relevant to your audience, it is much more likely to add value to the contacts you care about. If you sell to the c-suite, it is difficult enough to try and address an issue that is relevant to the CEO, CFO, & CIO in the same company, let alone do this for 10 separate businesses with one post. 

I read the following framework in A Practitioner's Guide To Account-Based Marketing - and this certainly applies to you, as a subject matter expert, in writing content for your stakeholders:

Business imperative - What is the issue your client/prospect is trying to address? 

Business initiative - How are they looking to resolve their challenge? I.e. if you sell blockchain services to Retail Banks - what is their initiative called? Use your clients language, consistently. 

Target audience - who in the account are you trying to influence? 

Your play - where do you offer added-value? Demonstrate this through your content. 

The benefits - discuss the associated benefits. 

Differentiators - how is this different to conventional wisdom. Use your content as an opportunity to reframe the way your clients think about their problems. 

Account-based marketing, also known as client-centric marketing, is in the process of transforming modern marketing practice. It involves taking a strategic approach to business to business marketing, whereby important individual accounts are treated as markets in their own right. After all, many of the world's leading companies have annual revenues the size of some countries' GDP, so for the businesses that provide services and solutions to these companies, such key accounts truly do represent a global market. A Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing explores the development of account-based marketing (ABM) as a business practice, and outlines a clear, step-by-step process for readers who wish to set up an ABM programme to accelerate growth.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, goto