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| 1 minute read

People Make Assumptions - Good or Bad - You Decide

Snap (the company that own Snapchat) have been having a tough time of late, with declining monthly active users and disgruntled staff but as Evan Spiegel says, "if you don't share who you are with people, you shouldn't be upset when they have misperceptions". 

We ran through some training recently with a partner organisation, Digital Leadership Associates where they reminded us that people make assumptions every time they come into contact with you, in the offline world or your digital self. Whether that's a positive or negative assumption is up to you. If you say nothing about a subject, they'll probably assume you don't have an opinion and move on to someone who has, whether that's right or wrong. 

One of the best ways to influence people's perceptions online is by producing regular content around topics you know and care about. NiK White, Managing Partner from Brabners Law recently said that one of the most valuable things about producing content is getting one's own personality across. This makes your firm more relatable and enables you to differentiate yourself from all the other firms in your sector that claim to be "the experts". 

Spiegel is making changes at Snap, reducing the level of secrecy, which it's been known for by introducing things previously viewed as too corporate, such as company-wide meetings to improve internal communication and they're taking similar steps externally, like the interview in the link below. 

Spiegel says these problems have been caused in part by lack of communication, which has created confusion inside and outside the company. “If you don’t share who you are with people, you can’t be upset when they have misperceptions,” he says.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, reputation, brand building