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| 1 minute read

Differentiating yourself in a digital world: Why you need to tell YOUR story

The need to differentiate is not a new phenomenon in business-to-business service lines. What has changed however, is the number of formats through which you can effectively position your unique capabilities against those of your industry peers.  

Online channels give you the capacity to extend your professional profile and build a digital footprint that is reflective of your experience, expertise, and personality. When your clients and prospects are researching you, what is it that they can see? Type your name into Google (and company name if you are not in the first few results) and highlight what this returns. Are you happy with the results? 

The Australian wine company 19 Crimes have taken the task of differentiating to another level. See the short video below showing how they are using augmented reality on their labels to make the buying experience more interactive. You are not just buying a bottle of wine, you are buying into the story behind the bottle and the experience.

When you walk down the wine aisle in a supermarket, there are hundreds of brands, varieties, and price ranges you can choose from. This is the same for many B2B industries. Simply searching for 'law firm london' on Google returns 214,000,000 results in less than a second:

The opportunity for you then is taking control of your profile and how you are presented to the professional world. Following the 19 Crimes lead, how are you going to differentiate yourself and build a digital footprint that resonates with your core markets? 

19 Crimes, has been named 'Wine Brand of the Year' by leading US wine industry title Market Watch.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, augmented reality, sales enablement, marketing