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| 1 minute read

Empowering your future leaders

Recently I have noticed a number of clients we are working with actively seeking to empower the voices of the future leaders within their own company. 

Both Howard Kennedy and Grant Thornton UK have enabled, and actually encouraged, all employees (from partner to trainee) to create their own thought leadership pieces, recognising these individuals as subject-matter experts. 

Howard Kennedy do this through their Trainee Diary, which they encourage all trainees regularly post to, giving an apt representation of the life of a trainee at one of the UK's largest law firms, in-turn building the confidence and personal brands of each trainee within the company. 

Similarly, Grant Thornton set-up their Careers blog, where they discuss the culture of the team, demonstrating aspects of their working lives that are often overlooked as generic pieces of thought leadership. 

Establishing a platform such as this gives the freedom for all individuals to start building their own personal brand as they start on their professional journey, whilst in-turn promoting the company image. Having fairly recently joined Passle, being able to contribute to our company's insights page (once overcoming the initial imposter syndrome) has not only given me greater confidence in my day-to-day role but also as an ambassador of the company. 

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, personal brand, employer branding, employee retention, law firm marketing