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| 2 minute read

Examples of great content from Passle clients

There are some amazing firms using Passle to showcase their expertise. Below I take a sample of a few posts from across the Passle network that are innovative and successful.

Kemp Little - Thomas Cook & the power of newsjacking

Newsjacking is simply taking a trending topic and adding your own spin. Farina's explanation of the Thomas Cook debacle does this really well and has gathered loads of momentum on social media. 

Farina Azam is an expert in travel law and this post positions her as the go-to expert in the minds of the industry and opens up more opportunities to reach a wider audience.

Macfarlanes - Employee misconduct & thinking for your clients

Most people would read an article about a cyclist doping scandal and dismiss it as another regrettable quirk of a highly competitive sport. But Matthew Ramsey looked at this article with the mind of an expert. 

This is a great example of using a news article to demonstrate expertise and outline an opportunity for clients. It's a short and easily digestible article that any client or prospect would be happy to receive and most importantly interested to read.

DLA Piper - Podcasting done the right way

The rugby world cup is in full swing with probably the most open tournament in recent memory. Alasdair Muller & Nicholas Fitzpatrick recorded a podcast from Twickenham around the event, the various legal issues and the talking points surrounding the tournament.

This is a great way to build the firm's profile as the pre-eminent provider in the space and a good example of a professional services podcast (of which there are few). 

CyberCube - Events roundup

If you do not produce any content from an event - it didn't happen. Only a few people at the conference will know. Their colleagues and peers have no visibility of what's happening and for the wider market - your event is more secretive than a Bilderberg group meeting.

CyberCube have produced an excellent event wrap up for their inaugural user conference. Particularly interesting is the way their host Yvette presented the summary in a "roving reporter" style. 

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, passle clients, authorship, thought leadership, passle