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| 1 minute read

How can you beat the 'Blue Monday' blues?

Today has been coined Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. The name actually came from a somewhat unscrupulous marketing campaign by a travel company that wanted to boost its January sales. However there is no doubt that this January is posing additional challenges on top of the regular January blues. 

We must be all be guardians of our own mental health where we can and now more than ever we should not take for granted good mental health. Focussing on how we can stay healthy is more important than ever whilst we face Lockdown 3.0. Looking out for friends and colleagues is important too. 

Here are five suggestions of things you can do today to help your mental health.

1)  friend

Message a

2) walk

Go for a (local)

3) Do an activity such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness or go for a gentle run

4) lunch break.

Take a full

5) grateful for.

Write down five things you are

There are also different things that you can do to help stimulate different chemicals in your brain that can help to beat those lockdown and January blues. 

We feel good when dopamine is released (the reward chemical) and you can do things like celebrate little wins and complete self task activities to help release this chemical. 

Many people feel really good after stroking a dog, and this is because oxytocin (the love chemical) is released. Other things you can do here are give a compliment or do something nice for someone. 

Meditating, having a walk in nature,  or getting some sun on you all stimulate the serotonin in us and this is the mood stabiliser. Swimming and cycling also help here.

Finally, laughing and watching a comedy help to release endorphins, which is the pain killer chemical in our brains. Eating some dark chocolate can also do this, if comedies aren't your thing. 

Look after your own mental health where you can, and look out for others too. Check in with that friend you haven't heard from in a while and see how they are really doing. 


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